Once a Daily Do

Once a Daily Do

Skills: Flutter, Teamwork, Markdown

GitHub link: https://github.com/levylevylevy/onceadailydo

Once a Daily Do was my team’s submission for HopHacks 2020. I worked with Sadie Levy who helped on the frontend and Joshua Qin who wrote the backend to generate meaningful activities. Once a Daily Do suggests daily activities because in the times of COVID-19, many people have been pushed away from their normal routines. As a result, more people than usual are battling with symptoms of depression. Depression often manifests itself as a lack of energy to do anything; our app tries to provide simple activities that anyone can do to re-gain momentum in life. Once a user has finished an activity, the activity will be stored in the app’s calendar. The app also has an achievement page for completing various amount and types of activities. For more details about the hackathon’s submission, see our Devpost Page.

As far as technical notes, the primary technical challenge with this app was implementing a markdown renderer. We wanted to use markdown as the way to write and display activities. This way, we could show images, videos, and audio files within the text of the suggested activities without having to build a custom solution. The markdown renderer can be seen rendering an activity on the suggestion screen.

A screen recording of the app

Garrett Smith

Garrett Smith

Learning how to improvise better on guitar/bass 🎸 and keyboard/synth 🎹

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