This Site

This Site

Skills: Jekyll, Ruby

GitHub link:

Why Jekyll?

I chose to modify an existing Jekyll theme because I believed that would be the most efficient and customizable way to make a portfolio website. I could have chosen to make a custom site in React, perhaps with Gatsby or Next, but since I have some Ruby knowledge (I learned Ruby on Rails on Codecademy years ago), I figured that it would be easy enough to download and customize a Jekyll theme and customize it to my liking.

In terms of development philosophy, I think it’s important to ship a product, and the language and framework should be chosen to guarentee that a good product ships. That’s exactly why I chose to use Jekyll because I knew that would be the fastest way to write a personal website.

With all that said, I hope you like it! Feedback is always appreciated via GitHub issues if you notice bugs or have a suggestion.

Credits to for the base theme.

Garrett Smith

Garrett Smith

Learning how to improvise better on guitar/bass 🎸 and keyboard/synth 🎹

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